If you’re one of the represented employees of SEIU Local 1000 who rely on public transit to get to work, your commute can now be free!
Our contract has hundreds of sections that govern our wages, benefits, and working conditions, and section 12.4 – Commute Program – details the increase in reimbursement. We won an increase from 75% to 100% reimbursement of your commute costs, up to the monthly exclusion amount set by the IRS.
If you get to work and back through public transit via bus, rail, or other commercial transportation, you can claim this benefit. If you’re commuting, those costs can also be reimbursed.
If you’re buying your transit passes from a state agency, your discount is 100%! Otherwise, you can claim reimbursement through existing procedures. Again, the benefit is limited to the maximum monthly amount proscribed by the IRS.
You can read more about section 12.4 – Commute Program, by clicking here. Be sure to read the entire section to learn more about our advances in a number of expense reimbursements.
To read the entire Tentative Agreement, which became law earlier this month, click here.