How do we win the pay and benefits we deserve when bargaining starts next year?

SEIU Local 1000 represented workers have the answer: stand together with your brothers and sisters across the state, become a member if you haven’t already done so, and build the power we need to fight the State for a strong contract in 2023. 

Throughout the next month, our statewide leaders are meeting with members and non-members to talk about how we can win when we stand together and make our voices heard.

How do we win the pay and benefits we deserve when bargaining starts next year?

SEIU Local 1000 represented workers have the answer: stand together with your brothers and sisters across the state, become a member if you haven’t already done so, and build the power we need to fight the State for a strong contract in 2023. 

Throughout the next month, our statewide leaders are meeting with members and non-members to talk about how we can win when we stand together and make our voices heard.

And, at every stop, we’re signing up new members, because they’re learning that the real path to winning a great contract next year comes from having a robust membership. 

This week, we held dozens of meetings in Sacramento worksites. Next week, we’ll be back in Sacramento and Oakland-area offices.  And we’ll be visiting a site near you soon.

Be sure to check back here on Monday for an updated site schedule or visit and our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages to see further updates.

To find a meeting near you, or if you have questions and concerns, please contact our Member Resource Center (MRC) at 866.471.7348.

Not a member? Want to win a better contract? Click here to join Local 1000 today.