Local 1000’s Unit 17 bargaining team met with state negotiators for the first time today, representing the interests of Registered Nurses for the state of California.
Our team shared their diverse backgrounds and job experience with the state’s negotiators. The team described the work they do to keep California moving forward. We demonstrated the value of nurses by illustrating that virtually every Californian will be touched in some way during their lifetime by the service or the policies created and executed by state Nurses.
Local 1000’s Unit 17 bargaining team met with state negotiators for the first time today, representing the interests of Registered Nurses for the state of California.
Our team shared their diverse backgrounds and job experience with the state’s negotiators. The team described the work they do to keep California moving forward. We demonstrated the value of nurses by illustrating that virtually every Californian will be touched in some way during their lifetime by the service or the policies created and executed by state Nurses.
Setting the groundwork for a great contract, the Unit 17 team’s discussions focused on workload and working conditions. The team requested some information from the state regarding distribution of assignments at CDPH and DHCS.
Our Unit 17 bargaining team presented a proposal to the state, designed to improve the work/life balance of our members by allowing them to request 30 days’ advance notice of a shift change without being unreasonably denied.
The Unit 17 bargaining team returns to the table on Thursday, and will continue to address unit-specific issues that were brought forth during the bargaining town halls and from the bargaining surveys.
Thousands of members—in hundreds of worksites up and down the state— are purpling up and standing up to demonstrate their solidarity and support with their bargaining team. “We need to keep up the pressure every week as we fight for a great contract,” said Margarita Maldonado, vice president for bargaining.
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