Unit 11’s bargaining team went to the table today to press the state on issues of properly compensating and classifying the highly-skilled workers in our membership.

We gave the state three proposals today:

Unit 11’s bargaining team went to the table today to press the state on issues of properly compensating and classifying the highly-skilled workers in our membership.

We gave the state three proposals today:

  • Structural Steel Inspector Series Adjustment: Employees in this classification perform critical work to keep bridges safe and we proposed a significant raise for them. Serving as a subject matter expert, bargaining team member Paul Hartbower described crucial duties this classification performs such as ultrasonically testing bridge support materials and looking for fractures. We also presented documentation showing a huge disparity between our members pay and comparable work on the state and national level. This position is 100 percent reimbursed by the federal government, so a salary adjustment would be budget-neutral for the state.
  • DFW Laboratory Assistant Conversion: These highly-qualified members are performing work at a much higher level than a lab assistant. After working with a Joint Labor Management Committee (JLMC) over the past two years, today we proposed converting these members to Agriculture Laboratory Microscopist. This conversation which would lead to a significant increase in compensation for these employees and recognize the skilled work they perform.
  • Fish Habitat Assistant: During an earlier bargaining session, the sate proposed to delete language that called for a meet-and-confer with us regarding this classification. The state’s proposal could result in the eventual elimination of this classification. Today, we countered the state’s proposal with a proposal to keep the current language which requires the state to develop a long-term, permanent solution to effectively staff hatcheries. We pointed out to the state that they had not met their obligation to meet-and-confer and therefore a deletion of this language would be premature.

Unit 11’s team returns to the bargaining table on June 3 to further negotiate with the state on these and other important issues that affect the paychecks and lives of our members and their families.

Support your bargaining team! A great contract happens when we show the state that our members are “all in.” Purple up, stand up, and send your photos to [email protected]

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