You’re invited to be part of the conversation in a new, weekly Zoom call: “Straight Talk.”
Each week, host Bill Hall, our SEIU Local 1000 Board Chair, will talk about issues of importance to our represented employees, featuring Local 1000 leaders and staff.
On Wednesday, March 30, from 6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m., we’ll talk about bargaining our new contract. Bill will be joined by Irene Green, our Vice President for Bargaining, and Brooke Pierman, our Executive Director of the Contract Department.
You’re invited to be part of the conversation in a new, weekly Zoom call: “Straight Talk.”
Each week, host Bill Hall, our SEIU Local 1000 Board Chair, will talk about issues of importance to our represented employees, featuring Local 1000 leaders and staff.
On Wednesday, March 30, from 6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m., we’ll talk about bargaining our new contract. Bill will be joined by Irene Green, our Vice President for Bargaining, and Brooke Pierman, our Executive Director of the Contract Department.
If you’d like to take part in the conversation, you can register for the Zoom call by clicking the link below. The conversation can also be seen live on SEIU’s Facebook Page and will be posted the following day on the website.
To register for the Wednesday, March 30 “Straight Talk” click here.