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Join SEIU Local 1000 Today and Enjoy the Benefits of Union Membership

Stronger together to increase wages and benefits and to protect our jobs, our rights, and our pensions

We are California’s largest union of state employees. Together we are 100,000 state workers who take pride in providing public service to the state of California. We are a member-led union that works together to ensure higher wages for state workers to address the increased cost of living and ensure that workers have secure retirement benefits.

Becoming a member of Local 1000 gives you a voice in your future and exclusive benefits.




Members determine our union priorities, give us the leverage to be successful at the bargaining table, and the power to defend our benefits from constant attacks. Membership dues are currently 1.5% of monthly gross salary and are presently capped at $90 per month. Members vote for our Union’s officers, elect our bargaining team, and ratify our Union’s contract.

Enhanced representation
Members have access to the Union’s Legal and Research departments and experienced, professional representatives who defend your hard-earned rights in the areas that matter most: Skelly hearings, AWOLs, working out of class, disability, and leaves.

Exclusive discounts
Members can save hundreds of dollars on local goods and services, travel, theme park admissions, and other entertainment venues. And enjoy affordable group rates and discounts on insurance and service plans that include auto, home, pet, and life coverage.

Protect your hard-earned contract rights, wages, benefits, and retirement. Have a voice in the direction of your Union.