SEIU Local 1000 and its current leadership team stands against racism, including racist remarks, but also those who use false or dishonest accusations of racism to seek attention or personal gain. Our Union is in no way associated with the disgusting attempt to use sham claims of past racist remarks that were made on the Governor’s Twitter feed and other public videos. Local 1000 is disheartened that such sickening allegations would be completely fabricated and contrived solely to create division or incite anger. Chair William Hall categorically denies ever making the racist remarks alleged against him and rejects the use of such false claims.
SEIU Local 1000 remains laser focused on our Contract Campaign to improve working conditions and build power in our membership. Every day, our active leadership team—Chair and Vice Presidents—are building relationships in the political world, calling for a return to civility and mutual respect, and rejecting the type of in-fighting—promoted by a few—that is an utter waste of time and effort.