This week we bring you labor perspectives from the world at large and from our own leaders. Our recommendations bring you news and opinion from the labor world at large.
Across America, unions are growing—the biggest increase the labor movement has experienced in 40 years. This fascinating Washington Post article tells us what’s different now, and what’s the same. Join @SEIU1000 today to help us win a stronger contract and retirement security
This week we bring you labor perspectives from the world at large and from our own leaders. Our recommendations bring you news and opinion from the labor world at large.
Across America, unions are growing—the biggest increase the labor movement has experienced in 40 years. This fascinating Washington Post article tells us what’s different now, and what’s the same. Join @SEIU1000 today to help us win a stronger contract and retirement security
A new Gallup poll shows more Americans than ever support unions because of their fight for higher wages and benefits. This feature on National Public Radio explains how this support is at a 57-year high. Join @SEIU1000 today!
Workers—particularly young workers—are more enthusiastic about unions than they have been for decades, says the Washington Post. Read what noted labor author Steven Greenhouse says about a new generation of union supporters. Join us as we fight for better wages & better working conditions.
Workplaces have forever been changed, and as much as we wish to return to pre-pandemic conditions, the world has changed and some things will never go back. In a powerful Capitol Weekly op-ed, Board Chair Bill Hall and Irene Green, Vice President for Bargaining, talk about how the public sector—particularly the State of California—is lagging behind the private sector in creating a responsive workplace in a post-COVID world.
What are you reading, watching, or listening to? Please share! We’ll include your recommendations in a future edition of Union Update.