Local 1000 monitoring upcoming budget revisions
Increased revenues may revive spending for vital services


Next week, the governor will announce his May Revise proposed budget for 2015-16, with updates based on tax revenues collected through April of this year.

“Local 1000 will carefully scrutinize the evolving budget and work to restore spending on the vital services our members provide,” said Yvonne R. Walker, Local 1000 president. “Once again, politics matter as we work to improve the lives of all Californians.”

Surging state tax revenues may help bolster many government programs that have still not recovered from the recession. The Legislative Analyst’s Office reports state revenue is $1.6 billion ahead of January projections. April tax collections have increased 27 percent compared to last year, and EDD reports a 16 percent increase in tax witholdings over the same period.

Much of the money will go to K-12 schools and colleges, but some may be used to help restore funding for state programs that were subjected to massive cuts during the 2009-13 recession. It is not yet clear which services may be affected.

2.5% raise protected

The revised budget will not affect the 2.5 percent pay increase for Local 1000-represented employees scheduled for this July.

The increase is the second installment of the 4.5 percent across-the-board increase negotiated by Local 1000 in 2013. A pay raise was one of four key priorities identified by members, which also included no new furloughs, preservation of our 80/20 benefit package and protection of our hard-earned pensions.