New and returning statewide, regional leaders will guide our future
More than 60 member-elected union leaders took the oath of office on June 30, beginning three-year terms where they will guide the future of our Union as we prepare for the challenges and opportunities that face our 96,000 represented employees and their families.
Anica Walls is the new Local1000 president, after serving two terms as Vice President for Organizing/Representation. David Jimenez returns to his position as Vice President/Secretary-Treasurer for a second term.

Fifty-one new and returning District Labor Council (DLC) presidents were sworn in. Along with the ten bargaining unit chairs and two statewide officers, they comprise the 63-member Local 1000 Board of Directors.
A highlight of the swearing-in ceremony was a special address by California Attorney General Rob Bonta. His remarks emphasized the critical role unions play in shaping a fair and just California, underscoring our union’s mission to advocate tirelessly for our members’ rights and well-being.

Joseph Bryant, executive vice president of SEIU International, presided over the swearing in and underscored the importance of the Local 1000 officers’ work as leaders and in the fight for a better California.
The Board of Directors also elected a new Board Chair, Delonne Johnson (DLC 799).
Click here to learn more about Local 1000’s new governance structure.
Within sixty days, the DLC presidents will elect seven regional officers from among their rank. They will be part of the Officers Committee and will review and advise on Local 1000 programs and advocate for the DLCs they represent.
Stay tuned for our upcoming President’s Newsletter later this month, where Anica Walls will introduce herself more extensively and share her vision for our Union.