My Contract

Our contract is a living document that governs our wages,

benefits and working conditions. It contains hundreds of

articles that regulate virtually every aspect of the work we

do for the state.

Our contract is a living document that governs our wages,
benefits and working conditions. It contains hundreds of
articles that regulate virtually every aspect of the work we
do for the state.

This document protects our rights as state workers. It’s
negotiated by our member-led bargaining team and won
through the support of the 96,000 people represented by
Local 1000.

Master Agreement

Click to download the latest version of our contract.

Bargaining 101

Every employee has a contract with her or his employer that sets out the terms and conditions, pay rates, benefits, etc. of the employment arrangement. Some of these agreements are written and others may be oral, but in most cases, the employee must negotiate the terms of her or his employment on their own.

In contrast, when workers unite to form a union at their worksites, the union bargains for them collectively. Collective bargaining is a process for employees to have a voice in their workplace and in their employment contracts. By electing a union to negotiate wages, benefits, work schedules and other terms and conditions of employment–rather than each individual employee trying to get a deal with the boss–organized employees are better able to ensure fair employment terms and safe working conditions.

Numerous studies have shown that union membership pays off at the bargaining table. A few examples include:

Only 20% of non-union workers are covered by
a guaranteed (defined-benefit) pension, while
100% of all Local 1000 permanent civil service
workers are covered

Non-union employees pay an average of 33%
of the premium for family healthcare coverage;
Local 1000 members pay on average 20% after
the first year of employment.

By working together, and bargaining
collectively, we can improve our workplaces,
the quality of services we provide and the
communities in which we live.

Only 63% of non-union workers have paid sick
leave, while 100% of Local 1000 permanent,
permanent-intermittent and seasonal clerks
have paid sick leave.

Nationally, the average female worker makes
77% of what the average male employee makes.
Among Local 1000-represented employees,
women make 93% of what the average male
employee makes in state service and the gap
is closing.

What is a Bargaining Unit?

California civil service employees are divided into 21 bargaining units, based on their “community of interest” with other employees in their unit. In labor law, a “community of interest” is when a group of employees share common interests in wages, hours and other conditions of employment.

Other factors that reflect a “community of interests” for organizing purposes include:

  • Similarity in skills, interests, duties and working condition
  • The employer’s organizational and supervisory structure
  • The bargaining history
  • The extent of union organization among the employees.
Under the California “Dills Act,” the authority to determine bargaining units is given to the Public Employee Relations Board (PERB).

Local 1000 represents 95,000 employees in 

nine bargaining units, making us the largest 

union for state employees in California and one of the largest public-sector unions in the country.

Local 1000 bargains on behalf of all of our
represented units at a “master table” on issues affecting all units, such as health and welfare, retirement and layoffs. Our union also bargains on specific issues, such as classifications and post and bid, separately on behalf of specific bargaining unit.

Bargaining Units

Local 1000 is dedicated to strengthening and elevating the significance of the following Bargaining Units within the state of California.

Unit 1

Professional Administrative, Financial & Staff Services

Unit 4

Office & Allied Workers

Unit 14

Printing Trades

Unit 17

Registered Nurses

Unit 21

Educational Consultants and Librarians

Unit 3

Professional Educators & Librarians

Unit 11

Engineering & Scientific Technicians

Unit 15

Allied Service Workers

Unit 20

Medical and Social Services Specialists

State Bar

More Contract Resources

Call Center Work Group

We’re here to address inequities statewide,
provide supporting documents, and help
manage a multistage process.

Cost Savings Task Force

Our Task Force meets monthly with the 
 State team to collaboratively share ideas 
 and information lead to cost savings.