How your dues dollar works for you
SEIU Local 1000 monthly dues support everything our union does. From the negotiation and enforcement of our contract to political and legislative work, legal action, research, and communications—-your dues are spent solely on union efforts and actions.
Member dues are 1.5% of gross salary and are capped at $90/month. If you have questions about your dues please contact our Member Resource Center (MRC) at 866.471.7348

34.1¢ — Representation & Negotiations
These funds pay for all of the costs associated with representation and bargaining with the State of California. This includes representation of state workers during discipline proceedings, contract enforcement at administrative hearings, grievance, arbitration, and litigation services. This money also supports activities prior to and during contract ratification and funds member education, negotiations training for our Bargaining Unit Negotiations Committee, and research and communications support during bargaining.
30.7¢ — Building Power with SEIU & Other Coalitions
The monies that go to fund Local 1000’s coalition activities are critical to building the level of power we need to put in place and protect policies that support working families. Our national affiliation with SEIU gives us the support of more than 2 million members nationwide. SEIU also provides Local 1000 with valuable research, campaign, and policy support.
27.5¢ — Operations
This part of your Local 1000 dollar pays for the day-to-day costs of running our statewide union and keeping members informed about the organization’s activities. Funding for general accounting and financial management, IT, utilities, building leases, and human resources comes out of this portion of the budget. These funds also pay for Local 1000 publications and bargaining unit-specific materials, media relations, and the maintenance of Local 1000’s website.
4.4¢ — Legislative Advocacy
In 2017, 4.4 cents of your dues dollar went to support Local 1000’s legislative and political program. This advocacy is critical to the protection of fair wages, benefits, and retirement security for state workers. Our political efforts support the election of candidates who understand the importance of state workers to California’s future as well as activity for or against ballot initiatives.
1.7¢ — Community Service & Miscellaneous Activity
This portion of your Local 1000 dues dollar goes to charitable giving and community services in neighborhoods across California. While fighting for state workers is our primary mission, we set aside time and resources to partner with organizations working to support people in need and build power with groups working to build a better California.
1.6¢ — Member Governance
Local 1000 has a democratic process and structure. It’s run by members who are elected by their fellow members. This governance structure is in place at all levels- from worksite stewards and district council members to members of our statewide bargaining advisory councils, our executive board, and our statewide officers. These funds go to support the activities of these bodies.
Based on actual expenditures, 2017