Veterans Day gives us a time to reflect on those who step up to protect our nation, and we owe them every expression of gratitude. The reason government work was originally called the “civil service” was to imbue it with the same level of import and commitment found in military service. State workers have value that extends far beyond the recognition we receive from the State or the public. Because of your service to California, you are owed much more. That’s exactly why our Contract Campaign is so important and why we must redouble our support to strengthen our Union. Our leadership team is determined to build a stronger, more agile Union ready to undertake bargaining with absolute resolve. We hope you will stand with us.
Now, for last week’s activities:
Monday and Tuesday, I was at my State job with the Department of Transportation. I still had two Union meetings by Zoom, fielded phone calls and answered email in the evenings.
We continue to develop a comprehensive picture of the physical conditions and the functional performance of our headquarters buildings and infrastructure. Here in Sacramento, the air-conditioning system in one of our two-story buildings has performance issues related to age. While repair estimates may cost around $5,000, these are only a short-term solution. Replacing the systems means a one-year lead-time to get the equipment and an investment of approximately $100,000.
Progress is also underway in ongoing plans to restore better functionality to our one-story building. We are transferring paper blueprints into current CAD files so we can analyze repairs and future use of the building.
We are continuing to review and refresh our working relationship with California SEIU State Council. With the Contract Campaign in the new year, this is the time to leverage the power of State Council and our collective 750,000 represented Union workers to achieve more than ever. We need the power of many to win a contract that will make your life better.
Preparation for the December Board of Directors meeting continues. Work on contract action teams is also moving forward. We are in the process of hiring four additional field staff and filling three political organizer vacancies.
Next week is Thanksgiving. Time races past and we move ever closer to our contract negotiations. Please look for bargaining surveys in December. Your team wants to hear from you, so be sure to share your thoughts…again. It’s important.
I want to close this week’s message by once again asking you to share your story at [email protected] Your personal stories put a face to our struggle for better wages and working conditions. What did you sacrifice during the pandemic? Are you working full time and can’t afford rent? What would essential worker pay mean to you and your family? We want to hear from you, because your stories really will make a difference. Please share them. Thank you.
In solidarity,
William (Bill) Hall
Board Chair, SEIU Local 1000
[email protected]