We’re making progress on work that benefits you and our Union, which includes the following developments:
The telework agreements now in place have changed how we organize. The issues surrounding telework agreements are a priority for us to ensure we hold the State to fair policies. As part of this, we’ve been conducting worksite visits to speak with state workers to discuss workplace concerns. On a recent worksite visit in Sacramento I spoke with both members and nonmembers. Most employees were teleworking.
Alongside my role as SEIU Local 1000 Board Chair, I work at Caltrans in the Oakland District 4 office. My agreement with Caltrans is that I will return to work as needed in support of the Department. On Thursday, June 2, I went to the office, but since we are currently in outbreak mode, there were few employees in the building. After working 8 hours for the State, I worked 6 hours on union issues, including a 4:00 p.m. check-in call with the International and some final prep work for the June Board Meeting. I return again to Caltrans on June 23.
We held a budget meeting last week with Vice President / Secretary-Treasurer David Jimenez and our CFO. Additionally, we prepared for our June Board Meeting.
The 2022 Budget and the Independent Auditors Review will be presented to the Board for review and approval at the June board meeting. This will ensure that SEIU Local 1000 has a functioning budget and that all expenses are accountable and transparent to the Board, and ultimately, to you.
Building Membership
Last Friday, I met with Heather Conroy, SEIU International Vice President of the Public Sector Division. Heather shared the progress made on leadership support and organizational development from the International to Local 1000. In addition, Local 1000 will be loaned staff, in kind resources, and assistance to help develop our membership program. This work will culminate in our 2023 contract campaign and help us while bargaining our next contract.
Additionally, we continued work on building our membership recruitment teams and plans, with meetings set for Tuesday, June 7.
As part of our Straight Talk series this week we had Vanessa Seastrong, Local 1000 Bargaining Unit 17 Chair, as our guest. Vanessa spoke on “What Membership Means to Me”. The event was well attended and generated some great conversation. If you were unable to attend and want to watch a recording, click here.
Thank you for your support.
William (Bill) Hall
Board Chair, SEIU Local 1000
[email protected]