Our Union team held a meet and confer with CDCR and CCHCS on June 18 regarding the second round of VTP that they will be carrying out for classifications still at risk of being impacted by the closure of CVSP. We gained additional information about the timelines and details of the second VTP and had the opportunity to negotiate additional language to ensure that employees who choose to participate in this round of VTP are supported.

Employees at both CVSP and Ironwood State Prison in classifications still at risk of being impacted by the closure of CVSP will be eligible for VTP participation. Employees in classifications that have been mitigated through transfer within Riverside County will not receive VTP packets.

Due to the changed closure timeline, this second round of VTP will run concurrently with the SROA phase of the closure and employees are likely to receive both packets on the same day. Once the VTP has been carried out, the departments will update their layoff plan and employees who chose to participate in VTP and received a placement will be removed from SROA status.

We are hosting Zoom informational sessions to provide information about the current closure phase and what impacted employees can expect in the next phase of the closure.

The upcoming meetings will be held on the following dates and times:

You can join these informational sessions here.

Questions or concerns related to the closure? Those can be directed to cvspclosure@seiu1000.org Someone from our team will respond to you in 24 to 48 hours.