Meet a Member

Meet a Member

SEIU Local 1000 member Ty Kovacs is committed to his community. He attended the California School for the Deaf (CSD) as a child and came to work as a night counselor before going on to get his teaching credential. “I want to be a strong advocate for all represented...

From the Desk of Local 1000 Board Chair Bill Hall

Our members often ask me “What’s the Union doing for the new contract?” My answer is always the same: “What are you willing to do to win a good contract?” The State consistently reminds us that there’s a budget deficit...

From the Desk of Local 1000 Board Chair Bill Hall

Last week, the members of SEIU 99, Education Workers United, won an historic victory at the bargaining table after a three-day strike against the Los Angeles Unified School District. They won significant gains that recognize the value of their work, and they did it by...

From the Desk of Local 1000 Board Chair Bill Hall

This week, the members of SEIU 99, Education Workers United, won an historic victory at the bargaining table after a three-day strike against the Los Angeles Unified School District. They won significant gains that recognize the value of their work, and they did it by...