MSH Norwalk Bargaining Outreach Day Brings Members Together

MSH Norwalk Bargaining Outreach Day Brings Members Together

The Metropolitan State Hospital (MSH) in Norwalk is one of the largest public hospitals in the state, with over 1,500 SEIU Local 1000 represented employees providing around-the-clock care for their patients. We held a Bargaining Outreach Day to inform, activate, and...
MSH Norwalk Bargaining Outreach Day Brings Members Together

Environmental Committee Plans Earth Day Celebration

Earth Day 2023 will be celebrated in Sacramento by the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS), sponsored in part by SEIU Local 1000. Our Environmental Committee is committed to bringing union values to the environmental movement, giving members a way to get...

From the Desk of Local 1000 Board Chair Bill Hall

On Wednesday, we began negotiations with the State for a new contract. And now, it’s up to you. The strength of our membership will ultimately decide whether we get the pay increase we deserve, better working conditions and benefits. If you’re not a member of Local...
MSH Norwalk Bargaining Outreach Day Brings Members Together

Contract Bargaining: Our Plan to Win

As all SEIU Local 1000 workers know, Wednesdays are the days we wear purple to show support for our Union and to let management know that we have the power to change our workplace. But this coming Wednesday, April 12, this act of solidarity will take on even greater...
MSH Norwalk Bargaining Outreach Day Brings Members Together

Strike School – Your Contract, Your Choice

Bargaining can be a long and technical process, so it’s vital that everyone can get involved, get informed, and fight for a strong contract in their workplace. SEIU Local 1000’s Strike School program provides critical information for members to get a sense of their...