EDD workers get their hard-earned contract rights enforced

Chair Bill Hall reports results from the December Board Meeting

The Local 1000 Board of Directors held its final meeting of 2023 in Sacramento on Dec. 9, 10, and on Monday, Dec. 11. Your local 1000 Board of Directors are member-elected leaders, comprised presidents representing more than 50 District Labor Councils, ten bargaining...
EDD workers get their hard-earned contract rights enforced

Vote for delegates to the 2024 SEIU International Convention

Voting begins now for 55 delegates who will represent Local 1000 and its members at the SEIU International Convention May 19-22, 2024, in Philadelphia. Convention delegates play an important role in shaping the future of the labor movement here and across the nation....
EDD workers get their hard-earned contract rights enforced

State issues pay letter – raises, retroactive pay forthcoming

On Thursday, Dec. 14, Today, CalHR issued the long-awaited pay letter that instructs the State Controller’s Office (SCO) to issue retroactive pay and the pay raises we won in our new contract. “We will begin to see checks covering retroactive pay in December, and our...
EDD workers get their hard-earned contract rights enforced

Providing holiday cheer for union families in need

Each year, the Sacramento Central Labor Council partners with the AFL-CIO, the United Way and IBEW Local 340/NECA to offer some seasonal cheer to those of our Union brothers and sisters who are in need this holiday season. Their annual Operation Christmas Basket food...