Membership Means Power

Membership Means Power

As we prepare our escalating actions with the State for a fair contract and better pay, we are working to ensure that workplaces across California are prepared to make our message heard loud and clear at the table and in our communities. To build strong union...
Membership Means Power

July 5th update from Local 1000 Bargaining Team

Our bargaining team did not meet with the State today but is on standby to meet and negotiate with CalHR on a moment’s notice. Last week, we did not reach tentative agreement with the State. Besides our pay raise, there are a number of issues remaining to bargain over...
Membership Means Power

Silent Protest March at Capitol Draws Hundreds

The State has made it clear: they do not care about the needs of workers. Their 6% raise counterproposal is an insult to every state worker across California who kept this state growing for the last three years. The State’s refusal to address the economic concerns of...
Membership Means Power

Recommended Reads

As the Teamsters sit down with UPS to negotiate a contract for over 300,000 represented workers, tensions have been high. As deadlines come and UPS holds out on a serious counteroffer to the union’s demands, the Teamsters have held strong at the table. While they...