Local 1000 lets CalHR feel our pain

Local 1000 lets CalHR feel our pain

After months of negotiations, which saw a disinterested State bargaining team fail to address the issues state workers face in their workplaces, we have had enough. Our pickets, a part of our escalating campaign to drive more state workers to events, informational...
Local 1000 lets CalHR feel our pain

Recommended Reads

While state workers fight for a contract that brings us the dignity and pay we deserve as public servants, another group of public servants fighting for their right to do so has taken a major step toward establishing a union of their own. Assembly Bill 1, authored by...
Local 1000 lets CalHR feel our pain

Stephanie Swails Steps Up and Speaks Out for Local 1000

SEIU Local 1000 knows every state worker’s voice matters. Our escalating actions in Sacramento are making CalHR take notice. The power of our Union is in its members, who live across the state, and together, all of us can make a difference in the fight for our...
Local 1000 lets CalHR feel our pain

Local 1000 Plans Next Round of Actions

SEIU Local 1000 members continue to escalate their actions at their worksites and in the streets against the State’s outrageous 2% per year counterproposal. Following up on our successful member-led events at CalHR, we will return to CalHR over the next week until the...
Local 1000 lets CalHR feel our pain

Civil Service Career Program Set to Kick Off in October

SEIU Local 1000 and the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) are now participants in the first cohort of the Civil Service Career Development Pilot Program with classes planned to begin in October 2023. Upward mobility is a priority at Local 1000, and we...