Contract Enforcement Wins Back Pay and Experience Credit for Member Working Out of Class

Using the Media to Spread our Message … and our Demands

As state workers fighting to win a good contract and a livable wage, we’ve used many tools to raise our profile and to make the challenges we face more public. They give resonance and impact to our demands for the State to respect us, protect us, and pay us! Here are...
Contract Enforcement Wins Back Pay and Experience Credit for Member Working Out of Class

Member Actions Statewide are Boosting Bargaining Efforts

When we said that member actions were key to winning a good contract …you listened – and responded! Recently, across the state, we’ve held close to 1,000 informational pickets that make our demand to be respected, protected and paid more visible, more impactful. Those...
Contract Enforcement Wins Back Pay and Experience Credit for Member Working Out of Class

Committee of the Future Leads Change at Local 1000

Nearly a year ago, the SEIU Local 1000 Board of Directors undertook a comprehensive effort to work on the future governance structure of our union. They created the Committee of the Future (COF), a group of two dozen member leaders from across the state charged...