Unit 17 Bargaining Update for Wednesday, August 7th, 2019

Union Update

President Walker, AG Harris hold town hall on budget cuts DMH workers say: ‘Safety first’ Labor Day honors the contribution of working people Rallying cry across the country: “Jobs, not cuts!” President Walker, AG Harris hold town hall on...
Unit 17 Bargaining Update for Wednesday, August 7th, 2019

From the Desk of Board Chair Bill Hall

We often talk as a union about “the fight.” The battle for better wages, benefits, and working conditions is just the beginning. The need for a strong union goes well beyond winning and enforcing a new contract. I believe there is a storm coming our way, and if we do...
Unit 17 Bargaining Update for Wednesday, August 7th, 2019

From the Desk of Board Chair Bill Hall

This weekend, your elected leadership will come together for a three-day meeting of the Local 1000 Board of Directors. It’s our last meeting of the year, and we have an aggressive agenda intended to build upon the momentum and progress we’ve already achieved. We have...
Unit 17 Bargaining Update for Wednesday, August 7th, 2019

A Letter from Board Chair Bill Hall

We pride ourselves in being a member-led union. We use our voices to shape the future of SEIU Local 1000, and in a broader sense, we impact the lives of all working people. I hope you’ll consider becoming a delegate to the SEIU International Convention next May, in...