The Unit 20 team went to the table on June 1 to negotiate with the State on the issues that have been impacting workers across the state as we fight for a contract that respects, protects, and pays all SEIU Local 1000 represented state workers.

BU 20 proposed the following new language to the State during today’s session:

  • 11.xx.20 Alternate Range Criteria Adjustment for Registered Dental Assistants

The State’s negotiating team proposed the following rollover sections to our bargaining team:

  • 10.38.20 Rest Areas (Unit 20)
  • 12.23.20 Laboratory Services and Deliveries (Unit 20)
  • 13.31.20   20/20 Programs (Unit 20)
  • 13.30.20 Orientation (Unit 20)
  • 13.32.20 Education and Training Opportunities (Unit 20)
  • 13.33.20 Mandatory Training (Unit 20)
  • 13.34.20 Non-Mandatory Training (Unit 20)

Additionally, the State offered a counterproposal to the following sections:

  • 10.20.20 Assaultive Response Training (Unit 20)

The State agreed to SEIU Local 1000’s language change and added additional language, which the BU 20 team will review and respond to the State at the appropriate time.

  • 7.2.20 Holidays – State Special Schools (Residential Counselors and Night Attendants) (Unit 20) the State did not accept our language changes and countered with rollover.

Finally, a tentative agreement was reached today on the following new language section:

  • 10.25.20 Infectious Disease Control (Unit 20)

The State did reach a tentative agreement on the language change proposed by Local 1000, in section 10.25.20, expanding the infection disease control language to include CCHCS and CDE. This gives our members the right to information on outbreaks in their workplace.

Additionally, the team presented new language adjusting the range criteria for Registered Dental Assistants. These underpaid and understaffed workers have demanded a pathway to reach their maximum pay in a shorter amount of time. The team proposed new language to the State today to change the amount of time it takes to go from one range to another range from 10 years to 4 years. This was in direct response to the survey feedback and town halls that were attended by the Registered Dental Assistants.

“Previously, Registered Dental Assistants took about 15 years to get to their max pay,” said Unit 20 Chair Heather Markovich. “We presented to the State that all dental assistants should have the same process for reaching their maximum pay.”

“The State needs to take action on our articles,” said team member Silas Wagner. “We’ll be back at the table on Monday with the same demands, and we will continue to fight for what our members deserve. We aren’t going to roll over in the face of delays.”

While the State presented the team with 8 rollover proposals today, there continue to be delays in negotiations on critical issues faced by Unit 20 workers.

“We need to negotiate over the exchange of time language, vacation time, post and bid, and mandatory overtime,” said Markovich. “We need the meat, not the crumbs.”

Unit 20 returns to the table next week, on Monday, June 5. To see updates on other bargaining unit contract sessions, please visit the Contract Action Center page at

There’s real truth to the Local 1000 slogan, Stronger Together. We only win a great contract with a strong Local 1000 membership. So, if you’re not already a member, we encourage you to join us today.

And be sure to save your spot for the upcoming June 8 March to the Governor’s mansion here.