Elected representatives and delegates of member-run SEIU Local 1000 work to shape the direction of our union and our allies at SEIU International in our fight for better wages, benefits, and working conditions. Our leaders are at the forefront of organizing our efforts to give our members, and all working families, the opportunity to have a good life, live in sustainable communities, and enjoy the fruits of social and economic justice.

Elected representatives and delegates of member-run SEIU Local 1000 work to shape the direction of our union and our allies at SEIU International in our fight for better wages, benefits, and working conditions. Our leaders are at the forefront of organizing our efforts to give our members, and all working families, the opportunity to have a good life, live in sustainable communities, and enjoy the fruits of social and economic justice.

SEIU International Delegates are members of SEIU locals from across the nation who act as the representational voices of their respective locals at an international level. Delegates bring forth the issues of their fellow workers and their Local at the SEIU International Convention and help to provide a diverse perspective on national and international worker affairs.

Delegates are elected every four (4) years by members of their respective Local. In concert with other union leaders, we work to advance the issues most important to working people: a living wage, safe and secure jobs, and equity and equality for all, on the job, at home, and in our communities.

The SEIU International Convention is May 19 – 24,2024,  in Philadelphia, PA.

As a convention delegate, you would be representing the interests of the 96,000 state workers represented by Local 1000. Delegates attend meetings, vote on resolutions, elect international officers, approve budgets, and help shape the future of the SEIU organization as a whole, including policies that impact the work of SEIU Local 1000.

Eligibility RequirementsSEIU International Delegates

• Must be a member in good standing for two years to run for SEIU delegate.

• Must make arrangements in advance with your supervisor to use own vacation or personal leave time to attend the SEIU convention.

• Must share a hotel room.

• All delegates elected will be eligible for reimbursement [travel, shared hotel room, meals (when not provided)] and per diem.

• Must attend all scheduled meetings and be present to vote on proposals, budgets, and elect SEIU International officers.

Contact Information
Local 1000 Member Resource Center (MRC): 866.471.SEIU (7348)
Via email: [email protected]
Elections Website: https://www.seiu1000.org/delegates
Nomination portal: search.seiu1000.org/elections.php