From a young age, Adam Basler knew he had to stand up for those who couldn’t always speak for themselves.

This instinct, first sparked when he defended a differently abled classmate in school, has shaped his life’s work as an advocate for justice—and as a strong union leader. For more than 18 years in state service, Adam has been on the front lines, speaking up for his colleagues as a Unit 3 teacher at the Department of State Hospitals, Napa.

When low pay, understaffed departments, and tough working conditions threatened his fellow workers, Adam found his union voice. “Unit 3 is a small unit, but we needed a voice to fight for a living wage and fair treatment for teachers in state facilities like the School for the Blind.”

A union advocate committed to strengthening Local 1000

When Adam Basler saw his colleagues struggling under unfair conditions, he knew he had to step up—not just for himself, but for all Unit 3 workers. “It’s not a fair fight when we’re dealing with management on our own, so I knew we needed protection,” he said, recalling his decision to become a delegate to the SEIU International convention.

Stepping up empowered Adam to use his new-found union power to help his fellow workers. “When I throw on my purple jacket, I feel more confident, focused, and management treats us more politely, knowing that we’re organizing. It’s a coordinated, collaborative relationship.”

Adam’s journey as a contributor to his colleagues, his union, and to his community continues. His next step is attending Local 1000’s Leadership Apprentice Program for Stewards (LAPS). As a steward, he’ll amplify his ability to make a difference.

“When I throw on my purple jacket, I feel more confident,
and management treats us more politely.”
– Adam Basler, Unit 3 – Teacher, DSH

It won’t surprise you that Adam’s past includes work as an ACLU board member, a County Human Rights Commissioner, a Restorative Justice practitioner. And, earlier this summer, he was appointed the Statewide Disability Advisory committee, which through the Office of Human Rights, advises the Director on issues of concern to employees with disabilities at the Department of State Hospitals.

Now, Adam is committed to creating a stronger Local 1000, with a clear plan and strategy for the future. “We need to keep this momentum going in the right direction, and that means organizing together.”

Local 1000 is stronger because of members like Adam Basler, whose dedication to improving the lives of
his colleagues exemplifies the power of collective action. For Adam, advocacy isn’t just a responsibility—it’s a way of life. “You can use a loud voice, or a quiet voice… but the important thing is always to use a strong voice.”

Join Adam in strengthening Local 1000

Adam’s story shows the power of using your voice to make a difference. Whether it’s by attending meetings, becoming a steward, or simply supporting your fellow members, you too can play a part in making Local 1000 stronger. Stand with us in the fight for fair wages, better working conditions, and a brighter future for all state workers.

Get involved today by visiting or reaching out to your local steward to find out how you can contribute!

Step into your leadership! Become a Local 1000 Job Steward today. Information and application available online at