These templates on our website are to assist you with some of the most common issues in the work place. Contact your worksite steward, chief steward, DLC president, or the Local 1000 resource center before filing any grievance with these templates.

If you have already filed a complaint and need to follow up click here to view the Grievance Tracking Form.

Blank Grievance Form


This template is designed to be used to file grievances when stewards are retaliated against for exercising protected rights.

Physicians Verification

These templates are to be used in any case when a worker is required to get a physicians verification to substantiate request for sick leave.

Physicians Verification Insufficient

These templates are to be used when the worker has provided a physician’s verification and a supervisor refuses to accept the physician’s note.

Sick Leave Write Up

These templates are to be used when the worker receives a write up/ counseling memo regarding their use of sick leave. Please use the correct template for your bargaining unit.


These templates are to be used when filing out-of-class grievances. Before you file an out-of-class grievance please contact the Local 1000 resource center to obtain guidelines on filing out-of-class grievances.


These templates are to be used to file a misallocation grievance. Misallocation grievances are different than out-of-class grievances and you must consult with the Local 1000 resource center or a Local 1000 steward before filing a misallocation grievance.

Grievance Tracking Form