Who are these anti-worker organizations?

Anti-worker organizations funded by wealthy special interests are spending tens of millions of dollars to try to convince union members to drop out of the union to “give yourself a raise.”

They want us to believe that if we resign our membership, everything will stay exactly the same – even though we would have much less power to protect our wages and benefits with fewer members.

These same organizations have also spread misinformation about SEIU members’ commitment to racial justice, cynically seeking to divide working people by race instead of joining efforts to bring our country together. They know that if they can pit working people against one another, it will be harder for us to win the wages, benefits, and improvements we all need to make life better for all working people.

Let’s keep an eye out for their next act, especially when they engage in increasingly desperate and deceptive communications – it’s important to be aware.

Their Tactics and Examples:

Deceptive Communications to Member 

Most recently, anti-union groups have been resorting to using outrageously deceptive tactics to mislead, confuse, and encourage members to leave their union. Distributing fabricated “legal notices” that mimic official union documents, fake checks that appear legitimate at first glance, false “amount due” notices, and even a document promising a “credit” of thousands of dollars, contingent on completing and returning an enclosed form – are among the deceptive tactics that have been used to target SEIU members.

Contentious Political Issues

Anti-worker groups have consistently exploited contentious political issues to mislead members and encourage members to leave their union – and we expect them to continue doing so. Their tactics have misrepresented SEIU’s stance on law enforcement funding and our political spending.

Here’s how you can fight back:

  1. Hit the “unsubscribe” button and mark it as “Junk” mail.
  2. Forward the anti-worker email to your department’s IT, cc your Labor Relations Officer, and ask that they block these types of emails.
  3. Share this toolkit with your coworkers  
  4. Display at work your “Proud Union Member Works/Lives Here” Placard. Download here. 


Send to these three addresses, all in one email:

  • support@vervemail.com – Freedom Foundation’s email service provider
  • spam@uce.gov – The Federal Trade Commission
  • piu@doj.ca.gov – The California State Attorney General 

Write: “The Freedom Foundation/Opt Out Today sent me this SPAM at work without my permission. Please ask them to stop sending emails to me.”


In most cases, this automatically sends a warning message to their email provider.

  • If you choose to respond to their email, here is a suggested response:  
    “Hello. Please stop contacting me. I love having a good union job with guaranteed raises and benefits. I don’t like when corporate-funded hacks bother me at work and try to rob me of my hard-earned benefits.” 
  • Do not share their materials on social media or with coworkers- we don’t want to give them more attention than they deserve. 
  • Report any suspicious activity to your URC rep or the MRC. 

Together we can fight back against anti-worker organizations!