Negotiations continued today with the State after SEIU Local 1000’s march in Sacramento on June 8th.

The Unit 20 team went to the table on June 1st to negotiate with the State on the ongoing issues that our members have vocally demanded as we fight for a contract that respects, protects, and pays all SEIU Local 1000 represented state workers.

“We started off slow today and we didn’t start until the afternoon, while we usually start at 11,” said Heather Markovich, Unit 20 Bargaining Chair. In spite of technical issues on the State’s side, negotiations led to responses on a number of Unit 20’s proposals.

SEIU Local 1000 presented the following proposals to the State’s negotiating team today –

  • 8.23.20 Department of Veterans Affairs Vacation Scheduling (Unit 20) – counterproposal sent back where the State accepted our language and added some of their own that benefits Unit 20 classifications
  • 10.20.20 Assaultive Response Training (Unit 20) – counterproposal sent back where the State accepted our language and added some of their own
  • 7.XX.20 Student Holidays – State Special Schools (Residential Counselors, Night Attendants and Teaching Assistants) (Unit 20) – new proposal to ensure Unit 20 Night Attendants, Residential Counselors, and Teaching Assistants can receive a 40 hour workweek when there are student holidays (which doesn’t always happen presently)
  • 7.2.20 Holidays – State Special Schools (Residential Counselors and Night Attendants) (Unit 20) – counterproposal sent back where Unit 20 is accepting rollover language as the State wouldn’t accept BU 20’s language updates
  • X.XX.20 State Issued Cell Phones – The Schools for the Deaf (Fremont and Riverside) (Unit 20) – new proposal that will ensure that Unit 20 employees at the Schools for the Deaf (Freemont and Riverside) will be issued state cell phones to communicate with each other so they don’t have to use their personal cell phones

The State was able to reach the following tentative agreements today with the Union –

  • 8.23.20 Department of Veterans Affairs Vacation Scheduling (Unit 20) – counterproposal where the State accepted our language and added some of their own that benefits Unit 20 classifications
  • 10.20.20 Assaultive Response Training (Unit 20) – counterproposal where the State accepted our language and added some of their own
  • 7.2.20 Holidays – State Special Schools (Residential Counselors and Night Attendants) (Unit 20) – rollover language
  • 12.18.20 License or Certificate Renewal Fees (Unit 20) – rollover language

Additionally, the State offered counter proposals for the following articles today –

  • 8.22.20 DSH Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) Vacation Scheduling (Unit 20) – the State countered with some new language that the team will review and respond to accordingly
  • 20.11.20 Post and Bid Procedure for CNA Positions: California Veterans Homes (Unit 20) – the State countered with some new language that the team will review and respond to accordingly

Finally, the State rejected two SEIU proposals today –

  • 20.XX.X Shift/Day Off Preference Teaching Assistants– Special Schools (Unit 20)
  • 8.XX.20 CDCR-CCHCS Vacation Scheduling – Pharmacy Technicians (Unit 20)

One issue that was addressed today was negotiations around Unit 20 employees at the Special Schools of California regarding cell phone usage. SEIU Local 1000-represented employees at the School for the Deaf are prohibited from using their personal cell phones per the school’s policy, however, management is requesting personal cell phone numbers to communicate via text. “We are asking the State to provide them with a work cell phone, to help in their work, and to protect their personal information,” said Markovich. “When they’re off duty, no one else should have access to their personal information.”

Although the bargaining team did receive several responses today, this has not yet met the expectation of the bargaining team, who are expecting more substantive proposals and language on post and bid, swaps, and mandatory overtime.

There is more work to be done to address the issues that Unit 20 members have prioritized in bargaining surveys and at town halls across the state.

“We haven’t gotten it all back, for example, we still need our vacation scheduling,” said Markovich. “We gave a lot of information, but we need more of the meat on serious issues. The State’s lead negotiator offered to meet with us on Thursday to address some of our outstanding articles.”

“We’re definitely moving,” said team member Oluwadamilola Kamson.  “The table was different today, and the State’s team was ready with proposals. My feeling is that we’re moving and that we got some of the TAs we wanted back. “We hope that we can continue this to catch up on the rest of the TAs and get our proposals returned.”

This movement comes after weeks of sluggish responses from the State’s negotiating team and a fight to receive back any of a large number of outstanding proposals.

“We’re finally starting to see movement from the State,” said Vice Chair Sarah Cooper. “Although we’re still waiting to hear back on some of our critical issues., it’s a good sign that the State is willing to meet with us on additional days this week to get this done before our contract expires.”

“I’m just hoping that next week we see the State return some of our outstanding proposals,” said Markovich. “If these issues weren’t important, we wouldn’t have proposed them.”

Unit 20 returns to the table next week, on Monday, June 19. To see updates on other bargaining unit contract sessions, please visit the Contract Action Center page at

There’s real truth to the Local 1000 slogan, Stronger Together. We only win a great contract with a strong Local 1000 membership. So, if you’re not already a member, we encourage you to join us today.

If you are, help support bargaining teams by purpling up on Wednesday and attending our upcoming rally in Los Angeles on June 22.