The Unit 14 team continued their efforts to advance the needs of their print tradespeople by presenting four rollover proposals on sections 11.51.14, 11.55.14, 14.17.14, and 14.18.14

The team also reached tentative agreement on four contract sections, including 14.17.14 and 14.18.14, along with two new language proposals — “Classification Review of Printing Trade Specialist Trainee” and “Classification Review of Digital Print Operator.”

“The two new language proposals that the State agreed to are a significant victory for the Unit 14 team and the print tradespeople we represent,” said Unit 4 Chair and Printing Process and Operations Planner Robert Vega. “We’ve had long-standing issues with each of these classifications, especially the Printing Trade Specialist Trainee. It’s a very low paid, entry level classification, and the State has begun to use it as a utility position within the DGS and OSP printing floor operation.”

“They’re over-utilizing these people to do an increasing large number of tasks, essentially using them as a stop gap to fill vacancies rather than hiring other classifications,” added Howard Hall, Webfed Offset Press Operator III. “We need to ensure that our workers are only doing the work they’re hired to do and have the ability to move up as they increase their skills.”

You can read the details of these and all current contract articles at

It’s also important to note that all four of the TAs that the team reached today were classification reviews of different classifications. That means the State agreed that all four classifications are in need of additional attention and require joint review; the language we added allows us to create individual committees to do so. The committees will include four members of Local 1000 and four members from the State, who will work together to resolve long-standing issues within these classifications.

While the team is working hard to make it clear to the State why we need — and merit — special salary adjustments, it’s equally important that all printing trade specialist trainees understand that the team has heard and is working hard to address the challenges you’re having at work.

“The discussion we had today relieves a lot of anxiety and anxiousness surrounding the delays we’re facing with the State,” said Ed Page, a Print Processing and Operations Planner at OSP. “But there are more challenges ahead.”

To read about what happened in Tuesday’s Bargaining Unit 1, 3, 4, and 17 sessions, please visit the Contract Action Center page at

There’s real truth to the Local 1000 slogan, Stronger Together. We only win a great contract with a strong Local 1000 membership. So, if you’re not already a member, we encourage you to join us today.

And be sure to save your spot for the upcoming June 8 March to the Governor’s mansion here.