Unit 4 continues to negotiate with representatives from the State this week, with a focus on the need for more involved discussions at the table to get represented employees a contract that respects, protects, and pays every state worker.
“The process has been moving forward compared to previous weeks, so we’re hopeful that the State will recognize the protections our workers need and deserve,” said Karen Jefferies, Unit 4 Chair. “We are fighting to get this work done in a timely manner and without losing any of the gains we have already made.”
However, without more tentative agreements or counter proposals offered by the State to our new language, negotiations have slowed. Apparently, lack of preparation and delays by State negotiators interfere with getting state workers the pay, protection, and respect they deserve on the job.
Permanent Intermittent (PI) workers are often seasoned employees with years of experience, but they often lack the opportunity to advance in state service. While the state suffers from an understaffing crisis, these workers need to be supported in their careers to help solve this problem.
“We were able to keep existing protections for PI workers which allows them to convert to a full-time position as soon as a position becomes available,” said Tom Krieger, Unit 4 Vice Chair.
Unit 4 reached Tentative Agreements with the State on three sections:
- 20.13.4 – Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) – Motor Vehicle Representative PI (Unit 4)
- 19.9.4 – Exchange of Time Off – Multi-Shift Operations (Unit 4)
- 19.13.4 – Overtime Assignments for Work Week Group 2 (WWG 2) Employees (Unit 4)
Additionally, the following rollover sections were proposed:
- 1.2.4 – Designation of Confidential Positions (Unit 4)
- 13.31.4 – 20/20 Program (Unit 4)
While there is progress being made and more Tentative Agreements reached, there still remain many critical issues we want to be addressed at the table.
“They have not countered on some of the new languages we have proposed, and many of our rollover sections still are awaiting the State response,” said Jose “Eric” Alcaraz, Unit 4 Alternate Vice Chair.
These outstanding rollovers do not carry a financial cost to the State and relate to existing protections enjoyed by state workers. The team is waiting to hear back on these issues as bargaining continues.
“It’s important that our negotiations with the State conform to past practices, and one of those practices is getting articles across in a timely manner, sharing information, and really negotiating,” said Terry Gray, bargaining team member.
As our contract expiration date approaches, it’s important for the State to come to the table prepared to discuss the issues that matter to our represented workers.
“True dialog over these protections is important,” said Jefferies. “We want the State to recognize this and come to the table ready to discuss and counter our new language and rollover articles.”
Unit 4 returns to the table next week, on Tuesday, June 6. To see updates on other bargaining unit contract sessions, please visit the Contract Action Center page at www.seiu1000.org
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And be sure to save your spot for the upcoming June 8 March to the Governor’s mansion here.