On Monday, September 26, 2022, our Union met with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to gain additional information about their intent to implement the use of the Dayforce timekeeping system in early October. We became aware of this intention when many of our DMV member leaders shared information from the Department regarding the system.  SEIU Local 1000 only received anything official from the Department after our Union reached out to seek additional information.

On Monday, September 26, 2022, our Union met with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to gain additional information about their intent to implement the use of the Dayforce timekeeping system in early October. We became aware of this intention when many of our DMV member leaders shared information from the Department regarding the system.  SEIU Local 1000 only received anything official from the Department after our Union reached out to seek additional information. The official information from the Department didn’t provide sufficient details for us to be able to understand the possible impact on our represented employees and referred to an implementation date that was much less than 30 days from the date the Union was informed. 

Our team met with the Department to attempt to get a deeper understanding of their intent and determine why the Department believed that they could unilaterally move forward with the use of the Dayforce system. The Department offered no justification for why they are not complying with our Contract language nor could they offer clear information about employee expectations related to this implementation. The Department argued that because this initial implementation isn’t permanent and is initially scheduled at only four worksites in the Sacramento area that they did not need to notice the Union on this change. Our team made it clear that this was an incorrect interpretation of Article 24.1(b) and that permanence isn’t a notice requirement; instead employee impact is.

The Department made it clear that they have no intention of coming into compliance and are moving forward with implementing the use of this system. This is an unacceptable outcome for our Union team, and we have already begun taking steps to enforce our Contract by filing a cease and desist letter to prevent them from unilaterally forcing this tool on our represented employees. We have already received an answer from the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) that this implementation will be postponed. We will keep our members updated as we learn more.

As we pushback, we are asking our leaders at DMV to keep our Union informed when they receive direction related to this digital timekeeping process or when a time clock or similar instrument is installed. You can share this information with us via email at either [email protected] or [email protected]  

You can also share information with a Job Steward, DLC leadership, your Bargaining Unit Chair, or by calling our Member Resource Center (MRC) directly at 866.471.SEIU (7348).