In just a little more than year from now, the working conditions, wages and benefits of Local 1000-represented employees will be governed by a new contract—our current contract expires on June 30, 2023—and preparations are already underway by our bargaining teams to build negotiating strength.

In just a little more than year from now, the working conditions, wages and benefits of Local 1000-represented employees will be governed by a new contract—our current contract expires on June 30, 2023—and preparations are already underway by our bargaining teams to build negotiating strength.

Vice President for Bargaining Irene Green and Brooke Pierman, Executive Director in our Contract Department, offered a great overview of how bargaining works and took questions and comments on our March 30 Straight Talk call. You can watch the video here.

Last December, Local 1000 bargaining representatives from across the state met at a virtual gathering of the Statewide Bargaining Advisory Committee (SBAC). In all, we elected more than 60 Local 1000 members to comprise the 10 different Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committees (BUNCs) that will represent SEIU Local 1000 when we bargain our next contract in 2023. Our bargaining team will meet regularly to map out strategies and a timeline for negotiations.

An important part of the bargaining process is to listen to as many members as possible and learn their top priorities for a new contract. Input from surveys, town halls, and worksite meetings will provide valuable information to the bargaining team.

The final step in the process is for member leaders and activists like yourself to build worksite networks and gather an army of volunteers to mobilize in support of our contract campaign.