About Local 1000

Local 1000 of the Service Employees International Union is a united front of 96,000 working people employed by the State of California, making Local 1000 the largest public sector union in California and one of the largest in the country.

Local 1000 represents members who contribute almost $6 billion dollars to the California economy and who work in more than 1400 worksites in California, Texas, New York, Chicago and Hawaii. We also fight to ensure that state workers…and all workers…are treated fairly and respectfully in the workplace, and are protected from unsafe work conditions.

A Movement for Social and Economic Justice

Beyond those traditional labor roles, we believe unions have a duty to do more for their members than just represent them in contract negotiations and enforcement.

We believe that our union must be relevant in our members’ lives beyond the workplace. We stand with them to build communities in which they can raise healthy and happy families. Whether it’s in Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Diego, The Inland Empire, Northern California or the Central Valley, we work side-by-side with community- and faith-based organizations to build a culture of optimism and prosperity. 

We believe our country is divided by an economic and legal system that is structured to shift wealth away from the workers who produce it and to benefit (almost exclusively) those who capitalize it. That is why we rail against the attacks on Social Security and public and private pensions that would take away earned, secure retirement benefits, would transform them into risky 401(k)’s and other private investments, and would reward Wall Street with windfalls while driving an entire generation quickly into poverty.

We believe that to have prosperous, healthy communities, working families must make a living wage to support themselves and to help those around them. That is why we are joining low-wage workers in their fight to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour and to organize a union at their worksites. This fight is already uniting a diversity of workers–including airport workers, home healthcare workers, and those who were displaced, replaced or outsourced in the recent economic recession and recovery.

We also believe that unions joining with other organizations that share our values can build the power necessary to change things. Through organization and a united purpose, we can give all Californians a good life. We can build sustainable communities that will support good paying jobs. Working with like-minded individuals and partners, we can build a society that is socially and economically just. 

Most importantly, we believe that these things are worth fighting for. 

A Coalition of the Willing

We are also joining with other organizations that share our values to build the power necessary to lift our communities up. When it looked like the economic benefits of the State’s high-speed rail project might bypass the Central Valley’s poorest residents, Local 1000 helped create a coalition of Fresno-area churches and community-based nonprofit organizations dedicated to spreading the rail project’s prosperity equitably in their community.

And we will continue to build dynamic and visionary coalitions: Our members have joined with advocates of affordable housing, immigration reform, early childhood education and student loan relief to fight for the goals that matter to our members and their families.

We are fighting for a California where everyone has the opportunity to live healthy, secure, meaningful lives. And we will fight until our vision becomes our shared reality.

Join Local 1000

Members Run the Union

You and your fellow members elect the leadership of Local 1000, who determine the strategy and set the policies and budget that governs all union activity. Through popular vote, we choose four statewide officers and more than 150 regional officers. Your contract is also negotiated by elected members–more than 60 members of the bargaining committee, supported by 250 district bargaining representatives.

All members vote to accept or reject their contracts, which include decisions on:

  • Wages
  • Medical, dental and vision insurance
  • Retirement
  • Working conditions
  • Vacation policies
  • Health and safety in the workplace
  • Career/professional development
  • Other issues impacting state workers

Become a member today

Click here to become a member.

Regular monthly membership dues are currently 1.5% of monthly gross salary and are presently capped at $90 per month. 

Member Benefits & Discounts

Visit the Benefits & Discounts page to learn more about the added bonuses of becoming a member of Local 1000.

Have questions?

Call the Member Resource Center at 866.471.SEIU (7348) anytime Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Local 1000 Officers

William “Bill” Hall

Board Chair – SEIU Local 1000

Bill brings a lifetime of experience, working both union and non-union jobs, to his current role as Board Chair at SEIU Local 1000. He has served as the District Labor Council (DLC) 744 President since 2012, was a Bargaining Unit 1 District Bargaining Unit Representative (DBUR) prior to that, and ran for and won the position of Classification Bargaining Unit Representative (CBUR) President in 2012. Bill has also served as Chief Steward of DLC 744 in 2005 and as a Unit 1 Bargaining Team alternate and sat at the table during the 2003 contract negotiations. His introduction to Union service began in 1999 when he first became a Job Steward.

Bill’s work for the State follows a similar upward trajectory. For the last 24 years, Bill has been employed by the State of California, most recently as an Audio/Visual Specialist Technician, a title he retains today. Prior to that, Bill worked as a Senior Photographer at Caltrans from 1998 to 2016. He also enjoyed a successful career as a Commercial Advertising Photographer from 1988 to 1998 and beforehand was employed as a heavy equipment operator.

Bill lives in Vacaville, California, with his wife of 26 years, Rosie.

David Jimenez

Vice President / Secretary-Treasurer

David Jimenez is serving his first term as a statewide officer after more than 10 years as a member leader advocating for his fellow state workers at his Los Angeles-area worksite.

He’s the first generation of his family to be born in the US. His parents, immigrants from Mexico, instilled in David the value of education, family and faith, and he was the second in his family to earn a college degree—in Business Administration—from Cal Poly Pomona. David and his wife Conny are raising a family of their own and are sharing the same values with their child, including being a proud union family!

A veteran of 17 years of state service, David works in Covina as a Disability Evaluation Analyst for the Department of Social Services. As a Job Steward in his workplace, he fought against a management style that looked at applicants for SSI and disability income as mere numbers and production quotas rather than individuals.

David’s career as a union activist and member leader began more than a decade ago when he was a part of a statewide DDSD Joint Labor Management Committee. As an elected leader, he held positions as DLC Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President/Chief Steward, and, since 2019, President of DLC 706. David is a two-time SEIU International Delegate and previously served as a CSEA convention delegate.

A staunch advocate for our union’s hard-earned rights, David was a part of the team that piloted the Leadership Apprenticeship Program for Stewards (LAPS) during its first year, and also did a stint at Local 1000’s Member Resource Center (MRC) helping members with questions about the contract or who were facing issues at their worksites.

David believes that a leader must listen to his members, be open to ideas, and be accountable for his actions. He exemplifies this by consistently raising his members concerns not only at the worksite but within the union. He stands up to the injustices that impact his members and offers solutions that are member-focused.

Anica Walls

Vice President for Organizing / Representation

Born in Los Angeles, Anica Walls was raised in the agricultural landscape surrounding Ventura, California, where she lived in a community largely populated with immigrant farmworkers. An early memory of the labor issues and politics of the time was when, at the age of 5, she was told she couldn’t have grapes because “we can’t buy grapes right now,” in support of the famous boycott launched by Cesar Chavez.

She was influenced greatly by her father and her “tia,” who reinforced in her how important it is to be fair and just and to treat all others with humanity.

Her passion for the working class carried her through college at UC Santa Cruz, where she earned two Bachelor of Arts degrees in Latin American and Latino Studies and Community Studies.

Out of college, she worked as an organizer helping at-risk and poor residents get much-needed services in Mexico, San Francisco, Santa Cruz and Sacramento, including Head Start and the Mission Neighborhood Center.

Her state career began in 2006, and she works in Sacramento as a Disability Evaluation Analyst III at the Department of Social Services. She’s been recognized for her work with an Excellence in Customer Service award in 2017.

In 2007, she became a Union Steward after witnessing repeated incidents of management harassing her fellow employees. As the Vice President for Organizing/Representation, she hopes to foster greater member engagement by making Local 1000 visible in our worksites, believing “we are all stronger together.”

Anica is married and the mother of two boys. She lives in Sacramento.

Irene Green

Vice President for Bargaining

Irene Green, a long-time member leader of SEIU Local 1000, was sworn in to her new post on August 29, 2021, as the statewide Vice President for Bargaining.

Green has been in state service for more than 12 years, all at the Employment Development Department. She’s an Employment Program Representative, working to ensure that California’s unemployed residents receive their benefits and helping them get back to work.

She became an activist early on, when the then-Governor Schwarzenegger imposed a total of three furlough days on state workers. Motivated to make change, she became an SEIU Local 1000 Job Steward, and in 2012 was appointed as a Unit 1 District Bargaining Unit Representative.

In 2016, Irene was elected to the bargaining team, our Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committee (BUNC). As a BUNC member, she participated in contract negotiations in 2016 and again in 2019. It was there she experienced the tenacity and fortitude that characterizes the member leaders who bargain our contracts.

“I’m looking forward to building a strong bargaining team for our next round at the table,” Irene added. “I want to help members engage in the process to ensure we meet our goals and achieve the best possible outcome.”

Irene is married to Vincent Green, a fellow state worker and member of the Unit 1 BUNC. More than a union leader, Irene is a community activist. After her daughter took her own life due to mental health issues, she has focused her passion advocating for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, working to pass legislation and speaking to children in schools about the issue.

Additional Resources

Purpose Statement

Local 1000 is a strong member led union. The purpose of Local 1000 is to have the power necessary to give our members—and all Californians—the opportunity to have a good life, live in sustainable communities and enjoy the fruits of social, economic and environmental justice.

We will achieve this by engaging and developing our members and by creating strategic alliances with key leaders and organizations who share our purpose and values.

Union Acronyms

BUNC Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committee
SBAC Statewide Bargaining Advisory Committee
DLC District Labor Council
DBUR District Bargaining Unit Representative
CBUR Classification Bargaining Unit Representative

Board of Directors Organization Chart

Click here to view SEIU Local 1000’s current Board of Directors Organization Chart.