Local 1000’s Unit 11 bargaining team met with state negotiators today, representing the interests of our members who work in Engineering and Scientific classifications.
The health and safety of our members is a focus this week – it’s one priority we identified through the feedback we received at bargaining town halls and thousands of bargaining surveys. Our other priorities for this contract are workplace conditions, leaves, professional development, and compensation
Local 1000’s Unit 11 bargaining team met with state negotiators today, representing the interests of our members who work in Engineering and Scientific classifications.
The health and safety of our members is a focus this week – it’s one priority we identified through the feedback we received at bargaining town halls and thousands of bargaining surveys. Our other priorities for this contract are workplace conditions, leaves, professional development, and compensation
Our members are required to perform duties in often-dangerous working environments, and your Unit 11 team is fighting to mitigate those risks by strengthening our contract language. The team held discussions today with the state regarding safety footwear in an effort to ensure strict adherence to existing contract provisions across all state departments where Unit 11 employees work.
To further ensure the safety of our members, Unit 11 presented a new proposal that would increase the use of daytime rather than night time inspections. This proposal would increase the safety and efficacy of the inspections of vital state infrastructure completed by our members.
An informal discussion in support of training and professional development was held regarding the State’s limited use of the Unit 11 20/20 program. Caltrans refuses to invest in our Unit 11 members. This 20/20 program is necessary for upward mobility and gives our members much needed assistance in gaining additional educational background. This is another priority that our team will continue fighting for.
The Unit 11 bargaining team returns to the table next week, and will continue to address unit-specific issues.
Support your bargaining team! A great contract happens when we show the state that our members are “all in.” Purple up, stand up, and send your photos to [email protected]
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