Unit 3 Classification & Compensation Committee Meeting


Our Bargaining Unit 3 Classification & Compensation Committee (5.19.3 Committee) met on August 9th, with representatives from the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR), the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Office of Correctional Education and the CDCR Office of Labor Relations. The meeting focused on concerns regarding our Career Technical Educators.

We discussed the benefits of Career Technical Education (CTE) and shared a timely article from Education Week, July 31, 2018, entitled “What Is Career Technical Education, Any Way?” by Catherine Gewertz. The article states “. . . CTE education is on the rise and is transforming itself from a college alternative to a new kind of college pathway” and sparked discussions about the various career paths CTE instructors often take before they accept a position with the state.

Bob Holtz, a Carpentry CTE instructor from the California Institution for Men (CIM) and a standing member of this committee, discussed his work experience and his initial placement on the salary schedule. Our subject matter expert, Sandy Warnock, Office Service and Related Technology CTE Instructor at CA Men’s Colony, joined the meeting to offer her insight and share the path of her long and varied professional career before joining state service. She also shared her struggles with being placed properly on the salary schedule when she started her position.

Our team’s stories are not unusual and are consistent with many CTE instructors throughout the state. We wanted to ensure management was given a clear picture of the real need for a clear and consistent practice in initial placement of CTE instructors in order to attract and retain quality educators to maintain excellent programs.

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