Recruitment and Retention Update


On November 20 and 24 teams representing the District Sales Representatives (DSR), Personnel Specialists, Tax Auditors, Workers Compensations Claims Adjusters (WCCA) and Financial Institution Examiners (FIE) series met with the California Human Resources Department (CalHR) under Article 5.17.1 to discuss recruitment and retention problems the series is encountering. Each of these teams were comprised of member leaders from the classification series and BUNC representatives. The teams had open and honest conversations about the benefits they provided to the state and the problems they were experiencing with their recruitment and retention.

“Unit 1 classifications have dealt with a multitude of problems for too long. It is about time that we were finally able to meet with qualified representatives from the state to work on comprehensive solutions to these issues. Although this process may take time, it is rewarding to know that we are finally working on instituting real change in our unit.” Brenda Modkins, Chair Bargaining Unit 1.

These teams presented proposal(s) to the state aimed at addressing and correcting recruitment and retention problems the classification series is experiencing. The state is in the process of reviewing those proposals and generating their responses. Stay tuned for the next update which will provide future meeting dates and updates with the sates responses.