Local 1000 elevates PI ratio grievance to arbitration after CalHR rejection


Local 1000 is aggressively pushing a grievance over the ratio of Permanent Intermittent (PI) employees at the Employment Development Department (EDD) to arbitration after the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) recently rejected our claim. 
Our contract has long-standing language limiting the number of PI employees to no more than 20 percent of the number of staff positions in each of the EDD departments. 
Earlier this year, Local 1000 filed a grievance at the department level, which was rejected by EDD management because of an “unfunded liability”–uncertainty whether a one-time federal grant used to pay PI workers in 2014 would be available in 2015. 
Local 1000 then elevated the grievance to CalHR, who, in denying the grievance, adopted the same language as used by EDD in its earlier rejection.
The process to bring the dispute to arbitration is already underway. We will keep you informed as progress is made.


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