Bargaining Unit 3 Newsletter for March 2017


This month’s newsletter highlights District Labor Council 770

Pamm Handel, Steward and DBUR from DLC 770, reported that all Unit 3 members in her DLC are happy with the General Salary Increase included in this contract.  She also reported that a lot of effort was put into the strike vote preparations, with many of the teachers willing to walk, had the strike actually occurred.  She hosted “brown bag” lunch meetings, poster parties, conducted one-on-one meetings, and visited the various offices of the Northern California Youth Correctional facility in Stockton.  She also communicated with members at the other facilities in her DLC through the personal email addresses that she had.

Pamm heaped praise on the head of the Chief Steward of  DLC 770, Randall Stan, for his support of her efforts to organize the members for actions supporting the negotiating team in Sacramento.

Pamm also wanted us to know that the California Health Care Facility and the Division of Juvenile Justice are currently trying to fill teaching vacancies in those institutions located in Stockton and Ventura.


Building Power

During the last SBAC meeting in February, I was struck by something that our Vice President for Organizing Tamekia Robinson said:

“Whenever issues come up in the workplace concerning the terms and conditions of our employment, Local 1000 leaders should be challenging their coworkers to ask themselves this question:  ‘Should I stand in solidarity with my coworker who has been mistreated, short changed, disrespected?  Or, do I stay silent, stay afraid, stay isolated?’

It is a time for choosing…We know one thing for sure.  When workers choose workplace   solidarity over isolation that builds power.”

It is easier to stand by and watch someone else take the heat than it is to stand by them and share it.  Many times we tend to “duck and cover” when the boss is on the prowl.  If we all stand together, we have the opportunity to force the boss to “duck and cover”.


Bargaining Unit Communication

BU 3 members can communicate with their bargaining team though their locally elected District Bargaining Unit Representative (DBUR).  To get in touch with a DBUR or for any other type of union information, please call the SEIU 1000 Member Resource Center at 866.471.SEIU (7348).  BU 3 also has an email address:


Your BUNC consists of the following DBURs.

Chair:                          Bruce Theel, High Desert State Prison, Susanville, CA (CDCR)

Vice Chair:                  John Kern (CDCR)

Alt. Vice Chair:           Suzanne Knapp (CDCR)

BUNC Member:         Terry Hibbard (CDCR)

BUNC Member:         Sulghi Hong (CDE)